
Trackmania is a online racing game first released by Nadeo in 2003. Game features both online and solo play. Has a competitive gameplay and is lots of fun. Title has during the years been followed by several games. For detailed information please vist this wiki page Link

Supported games

TrackMania Nations ESWC (Electronic World Sports Cup)

Released in 2006 and where all the fun began. Game was free and had a very large player base. Mature server software combined with user created content the game was a huge sucess. Now defunct and can not be downloaded using steam. Use direct download button to download

Trackmania Nations ESWC direct [Download] (free version)

TrackMania United/Nations Forever

Released in 2008 this game still has lots of potential. Game was released in two versions: Paid version: TrackMania United Forever. Free version: TrackMania Nations Forever.
Both games can be downloaded using steam or by using the below direct download links. Note you will need a code for TrackMania United Forever. I do recommend buying TrackMania United Forever to support Nadeo/Ubisoft to keep the game alive.

Trackmania Nations Forever direct [Download] (free version)
Trackmania United Forever direct [Download] (paid version)

Trackmania is a online racing game first released by Nadeo in 2003. Title has during the years been followed by several games. For detailed information please vist this wiki page Link
Due to time constraints we only run Trackmania Nations Forever servers at this time. Support for Trackmania2 and Trackmania2020 is planned and work in progress. footer image 2